Let It Ride Poker: The Etiquette Guide for Beginners

Let It Ride Poker: The Etiquette Guide for Beginners

Let It Ride Poker: Etiquette Guide

The most important thing to remember is to make three equal wagers. You can’t always depend on the dealer to check that you’re doing this correctly. After you make your three wagers, you are not allowed to touch them until after the hand is over. If you want to pull back a wager, scratch your cards on the table in a pull back motion. This will signal the dealer to remove your wager from the betting circle and place it back near you so it’s no longer a wager. This is very important. The casino doesn’t like you touching your chips once they’re in action.

When the dealer places the cards on the table, he will put them on his side of the betting circles in front of each player. The dealer must first make sure all the cards are accounted for before you are allowed to look at your cards. You’ll know it’s OK to look at your cards when the dealer picks up your cards from in front of your wagers and places them closer to you. If you try to pick up your cards before the dealer moves them, the dealer may scold or at least remind you not to do that and your action may attract the attention of the pit boss. Attracting the pit boss causes unnecessary attention to your table and likely will make you and the other players nervous.

The only other miscue you can make is trying to make a wager that’s below the table minimum or above the table maximum. It’s pretty easy to avoid this mistake by locating the table minimum-max-imum sign located on the table.

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