The Ultimate Guide to the Column Strategy in Roulette

The Ultimate Guide to the Column Strategy in Roulette

The column strategy lets you step right up to the table and immediately get into the game without having to chart a wheel. The column strategy consists of betting two of the three columns on the roulette layout. The payoff is at two to one. So if a $5 bet on both the first and third columns and a number in the third column comes up, you win $5 ($10 for the $5 third-column bet minus the $5 lost on the first-column bet). On the next spin, add $5 to the third-column bet and then bet $5 on the second column. This is playing on the assumption that the same column will come up two times in a row. A win again in the third column will win $15 ($20 for the SID third -column bet minus the $5 second-column bet).

On the next bet, add $5 to the third-column bet, making it $15. Then make a $5 bet on the first column again. Always increase the bet on the winning column and rotate the second bet between the losing columns. If you win two times in a row on the same column, you are then gambling with the casino’s money. This means you aren’t risking any of your money for the next spin; you’re gambling with your winnings.

If you get on a hot streak and have won at least a quarter of your starting money, try playing a couple of numbers straight up for the betting minimum on the inside. This way you are still gambling with the casino’s money (your winnings) and you might get lucky and hit one straight up. This will quickly turn your little winnings into big winnings. You can play this same strategy on the dozen boxes (1st dozen, 2nd dozen, and 3rd dozen) because they too pay off at two to one.

The general principle in the columns or dozens strategy of betting is to be able to cover a maximum of possibilities with a minimum of money. When hitting one of your two bets, you will still come out ahead even though your other bet lost. By covering twenty-four numbers with two column bets, you’re betting on almost two-thirds of the numbers on the layout, leaving only twelve numbers and the zeros uncovered. You can use this same principle with the split bet, trio bet, four-number bet, five-number bet (the worst odds), and six-number bet. However, to bet these with the same amount of coverage, you’d be risking too much money. That is why betting the columns or dozens is a good strategy. If you feel tempted to try any of the other bets, bet just one of them in addition to the columns or dozens bets.

In general, roulette is a poor table game to play. The house advantage is too large for a player to consistently win. This doesn’t mean you won’t win at roulette, but the longer you play the better the chance that the casino will take your money.

Roulette can be a very social game and exciting when a player hits for a number straight up. The best thing to do next time you’re in a casino is to find a low-limit roulette table and play for a half-hour. It’s fun and a good break from some of the other table games where the house advantage isn’t so high but that require more concentration.

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